Jun 26, 2011

Teamwork activities

Team-working helps teams break down the barriers of time and distance. Shared-working experiences give team an instant access to any difficult problem.

A challenge for a leader of a group of people, such as in a work department or any sector, is to get everyone to pull together and build as a team instead of going in separate directions. There are many ways to foster a team. One way to foster teamwork is to involve the members in teamwork activities that require them to work together. Activities can be physical in nature or require the use of team brain power to solve any type of problem. Following activities are recommended:

Workplace Activities 
Teamwork is important to a productive and healthy work environment, so teamwork activities should be a part of the workplace. Possible activities include starting a team newsletter that provides the latest information on activities and accomplishments of the team members, another one may be job swapping, where workers swap jobs with each other to develop empathy. It also requires workers to help each other to learn the jobs.

Social Activities
To get team members comfortable with each other you need to take some steps to improve your team. Informal social activities allow the team members to relax and have fun while developing the rapport necessary to function as a unit. Examples of social activities include a group picnic where every member is responsible for any type of task as example managing food or team sports such as volleyball or bowling, a lunch break or a dinner party may be arranged after a long tiring task.

Projects require that team member work together to achieve a common goal. Projects can involve assigning each team member a specific task that he is responsible for completing, another one is responsible for reviewing. Other activities may be like putting puzzles together or cleaning up or rebuilding a property which helps to develop trust among the team members.

Outdoor Activities
If members of the team are relatively fit, outdoor activities are a way for the team to get away from the "formal" environment. Activities such as camping, hiking, mountain biking etc allow the team members to relax while enjoying the fresh air and the sense of being "away from it all" can lead to bonding within the team.


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