Sep 5, 2011

Importance of Human Resource Planning In Organization

In the organization atmosphere there are many competitors around you who are just waiting to knock you off the league. But you may not be such an individual who will just tolerate this. So in order to survive you need to make it certain about each and every step you take for the organization’s success including the men and women whom you hire to work inside your organization. And of all your activities are known as Human Resource Planning. In organization there is a HR manager who does these tasks. 

There is a particular rule or hierarchy that an organization follows to have an appropriate and synchronized set of responsibilities and liabilities. For that reason importance of human resource planning is significant in an organization so that the appropriate number of candidates can be hired inside the organization with proper qualification, experience, potential, skill and also smartness to encounter any type of tasks assigned to them. We mean the logic is simple here. The Human Resource (HR) ought to consider and justify the potential candidates and utilize their potential and capacity profitably for the organization via exposure and proper training. The candidates must be hired in the organization accordance with the needs and requirements. 

Role of Human Resource in organization 
Now-a-days, so many opportunities are present for the efficient Human Resource manager in any organization. The requirement of HR manager is increasing as many reputable institutions are offering specialized discipline in the field of human resource management.

An HR manager brings manpower in the organization and it is very tough enough for the manager which candidates to be selected finally. For that, HR manager advertises vacancies, makes a short list from the uncountable applications to the interviews, then selects the best one for the recruitment and then arranges internal proper training session. It is a tough procedure to recruit the best candidate. The HR manager has to make it sure that he uses the best of his specialized knowledge for getting the best among the candidates applied and to sustain its manpower assets in the best process.

We cover some key roles mentioned below which would assist you to realize as to why HR management is significant in the organization.
  • Advertising, selecting and recruiting the best candidate among many candidates according to the required number of employees 
  • Training and developing of the recruited employees to meet the organization’s success
  • Maintaining the employees records and documents and making it sure that all their details remains private.
  • Managing the payment aspects of the employees including their compensation, perks and advantages and so on. 
  • Keeping a track on the employee conduct, performance and attitude inside the organization 
  • Motivating the employees to stick to the organization via constant appraisal, admiration and appreciation techniques because it helps them build up their morale and remains the employee loyal inside the organization.
  • Keeping a track on the transformation and changes that retain happening inside the organization. 
Change is inevitable in the organization and an HR manager holds it. He also plays a role in employee retention as just hiring the best employees is not enough, avoiding the turnover of the employees. He or she observes others and creates a good environment in the organization, creates strong relationships among the employees, after all enhances the professional image of the organization through working hard and also utilizing the best of the employees. 

So these are the key factors as to why Human Resource planning is significant in the organization. An HR manager is the one who maintains tasks of the recruitment, training, motivating, quality of the human asset, creating a good atmosphere in the organization. An HR manager is not just an employee, he is the man who stands out as the ultimate source of supplying the organization with human resource, the most resource it needs. In this way Human Resource Department is being opened in the organization and to maintain that department human resource planning is important!

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